By Doc Willie Ong How are cholesterol and triglycerides produced? The liver gathers fat, sugar, and protein as raw materials in order to produce cholesterol.
Category: Cholesterol
By looking at the changes in your numbers, this will guide you in your lifestyle changes. You will be surprised at how much your numbers will improve once you follow our these tips.
The internet is filled with health information and some may not be true. Generally, fish is healthier than meat.
How much food should you eat? To control your weight, you must gauge the size of the meal. Controlling one’s weight also helps prevent diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Your choices play an important role to controlling these chronic diseases. Let us look at 7 lifestyle changes that can help you stay healthier:
By Dr. Willie Ong Linda, a plump middle-aged lady was distraught with her cholesterol level of 273 mg/dl, which was 73 points over the normal