By the time food and water reaches the stomach, the food has already normalized to one’s body temperature. Check out our tips:
Tag: food

The internet is filled with health information and some may not be true. Generally, fish is healthier than meat.

Here is a list of the worst foods and the best foods to eat before bedtime.

Here are 8 foods proven to keep your brain healthy. Check this out.

There are tips you can follow to lose the extra pounds in your belly.

Have you heard about the dangers of eating certain kinds of fish, which contain high levels of mercury? Yes, eating fish can be a double-edged sword. It’s good for you, and at the same time, it can be harmful, too.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange and as much calcium as a glass of milk. One medium-sized stem has three times more fiber than a slice of wheat bread.